Admin-fanen - QR-codes

When digitizing data by scanning papers and uploading it to Documaster via sFTP, you can use QR codes to organize and cathegorize the documents. The QR codes under the Admin tab apply to the whole installation and can be reused in all fonds/series

The page with QR codes can be found here: 

1. Click on Admin in the menu on the left

2. Click on QR codes

Dere har da tre valg for å skrive ut de forskjellige typene med QR-koder

QR codes for screening

These QR codes are used to screen the content that is scanned and uploaded. When
you choose Print, you get one QR code per Screening code that you have entered
under Lists -> Screening

In addition, you will receive a QR code for Unscreened. 

-Click on Screening under QR codes
-Click Print.
-A print window will then appear, and
you can optionally choose to print
all the QR codes, or just some.

QR codes to split

The QR codes for splitting are used to divide the scanned material into different
records. What comes after this QR code will be a new registration in the same
folder/case folder in Documaster. There is only one QR code in this printout, and it can
be used for the entire installation.

-Click on Split under QR codes
-Click Print
-There is only one QR code in this

QR codes for Document types:

In this option, you can print a QR code for each Document category. The document types can be edited under Lists -> Document categories

-Click on Document types under QR codes
-Click Print.
-A print window will then appear, and you can optionally choose to print all the QR codes, or just some.