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  2. New user interface

Navigation in filtered view

How to navigate in Files, records and documents in the new user interface

After you have done a filtering you're left with a result. Here is a description on what you're seeing, and how to navigate

File view

Note that these two folders are different:

F - Stands for Folder

CF - Stands for Case File

You can also see which primary and secondary classes are used + the Case responsible. 

For more information on the folder/case file, press the info-icon, and information can be viewed in the right section of the screen. Click on "Show all details" to see everything: 

You can enter the folder to see the contents by clicking on the title:

R - Stands for Record

RE - Stands for Registry Entry

To view the document you can either click on the Info-symbol for a preview: 

Or you can click on the document to view it in full size:

Records view

Note that the records above are different:

R - Stands for Record

RE - Stands for Registry entry

You can see which case file the record belongs to and the created date.
Registry entries also show Record responsible, correspondance parties and statuses/screening

Documents view

In the Documents view you can see all documents in your filtration. 

Every document has an icon to indicate what type of document it is: 

Use the Info-button to preview the document: 

Select the Details button to see details on the document:

Select the Versions button to see all versions of the document:


You can view or add Notes, Disposal scedule or Custom metadata (BSM):